To be honest you really deliver your message In the most scariest and highly structurally with the grammatical exploitations.

You are twisted and that's cringe when the reading gets deeper. But extremely stimulating. Cheers. Am a dark reader now 🫠

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I'm glad you liked the post, seth. Thank you for taking the time to let me know.

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I agree with your interpretation. A possible development or variation is the situation where the understory is in turn revealed as the surface of a more profound subtext, with a possibly indefinite expansion and deepening of levels of meaning and reality. The Understory that underlies it all would then be the non-existence or non-attainability of any ultimate plane of being or enlightenment.

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I like it! And yes, that tracks (as they say). Turtles of understories all the way down, leading toward the Ultimate Turtle, which is unknowable because Absolute and therefore not subject to the laws and limitations of any of the relative planes ascending/descending from it. 😊

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"Ultimate Turtle" would be a good name for a rock band!

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This is definitely there and something I aspire towards, tho I'm not very good at it.

It's all only occasionally *shareable* for me, since it's such a personal experience, and consequently offers fractal possibilities of layers to get hung up on, if you think about it too much. Or at least that's how it goes for me.

Even as it transcends and sometimes undermines my skills and habits as a writer, it at least makes me a reasonably competent mystic, so I guess that's some small consolation!

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It sounds like you're dwelling very deeply in these matters, Diluvia. I'm glad to hear that and to read your reflections. Thank you for sharing them.

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Hi Matt, this is a powerful and distilled insight, as always. Super curious.. I write weird nonfiction, literary stuff that dredges up overlooked (and seriously researched) weirdness in the world that usually rises out of nearly supernatural uncanny coincidence/synchronicity. You write so often of fiction, are you aware of any classics or radical attempts at weird nonfiction? Borges, WG Sebald maybe come to mind, a few others. I'd love if you or other readers knew of books/essays that engaged in the process you're describing but within the realm of monfiction/personal essay/memoir, where this journey is undertaken personally in a real world/true story. Please suggest if you know anything! This would definitely help me on my third book. I'm struggling to find examples in nonfiction. Weird ask... Thanks as always for the thought provoking material Matt.

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Your article has my mind spinning. This merging of surface story and understory casts the psyche as a kind of Möbius strip. The inside and outside meet at a sort of omega point—if we go deep enough we emerge outside ourselves. The fiction surface mcguffin is a golden thread through the Möbius maze. We awaken in a perceptual shift between figure and ground. Or rather in the impossible recognition that figure IS ground. Thanks for these fascinating ideas! Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts!

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Thank you, Scott! Your reflective description of these things is richly worded and conceived. I enjoyed reading it.

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