Well, this is a substantial improvement on my longtime method of keeping dozens of open tabs that I then inevitably lose at some point before ever getting round to reading them. Thank you for sharing this!
Glad it seems helpful! And I know what you mean about the browser tab phenomenon. I've done that many times myself. I've tried to mitigate the problem by using a tool or two -- the momentum dashboard, a browser plugin, other stuff -- that enables "stashing" of open tabs so they can be called up again later. But even though that ensures they don't get lost, for me it still kicks them into a kind of mental backroom, like using Pocket etc., where I can just ignore or forget them, and so the items continue to pile up unread.
I can wholeheartedly agree with the approach you have dedicated yourself to. My own version is almost exactly like yours, the only difference that I can see off the bat being that I don't print my collections at 100 or any other specific number. Instead I have a monthly approach, which means I print my collections on the last day of the month, however big or small they may be. Whatever works is good, right?
(Writing "almost exactly" though it sounds like an oxymoron that shouldn't be written/spoken/or given life in any form, will be like a disturbing splinter in my mind for days. I will be poking and probing that thing like a tongue running over the sharp edges of a broken tooth.)
Glad you like it, Sami! Your approach of printing/creating the merged document at a specified time interval sounds good to me, too. Despite what I said about a 100-page threshold for this, in fact my own process has been kind of moving in that direction, though with a rolling date instead of a fixed one; I've mostly started waiting until I finish reading my current reading digest to create the next one.
Well, this is a substantial improvement on my longtime method of keeping dozens of open tabs that I then inevitably lose at some point before ever getting round to reading them. Thank you for sharing this!
And meanwhile all those tabs making you feel like you are falling behind....
Yes! I always feel a mix of sad I've lost my tabs and secretly relieved that I'm FREE.
Glad it seems helpful! And I know what you mean about the browser tab phenomenon. I've done that many times myself. I've tried to mitigate the problem by using a tool or two -- the momentum dashboard, a browser plugin, other stuff -- that enables "stashing" of open tabs so they can be called up again later. But even though that ensures they don't get lost, for me it still kicks them into a kind of mental backroom, like using Pocket etc., where I can just ignore or forget them, and so the items continue to pile up unread.
Thank you!
You're welcome!
Hmm... 🤔
I'm pondering the best way to incorporate your ideas into my Spanish language learning process.
It was nice of you to share your thoughts here. As someone with ADHD, I can use all the help I can get.
I'm glad this may prove helpful to you, Pat! I wish you the best with your language learning.
I can wholeheartedly agree with the approach you have dedicated yourself to. My own version is almost exactly like yours, the only difference that I can see off the bat being that I don't print my collections at 100 or any other specific number. Instead I have a monthly approach, which means I print my collections on the last day of the month, however big or small they may be. Whatever works is good, right?
(Writing "almost exactly" though it sounds like an oxymoron that shouldn't be written/spoken/or given life in any form, will be like a disturbing splinter in my mind for days. I will be poking and probing that thing like a tongue running over the sharp edges of a broken tooth.)
Glad you like it, Sami! Your approach of printing/creating the merged document at a specified time interval sounds good to me, too. Despite what I said about a 100-page threshold for this, in fact my own process has been kind of moving in that direction, though with a rolling date instead of a fixed one; I've mostly started waiting until I finish reading my current reading digest to create the next one.
Sounds good brother! Out with the old and in with the new.😁